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Messages - dave_cawston

Miscellaneous / Re: Winklebrig Queries
September 10, 2016, 06:27:19 PM
Hi Dave,
I completely agree with what Martin and Mike say.  Having owned Markie, WB15 from new (29 years), I have never regretted the purchase.  In 1987 we were looking at the Cornish Shrimper at the London Boat Show, but one of their salesmen told us of a review in Yachting World which featured the Cornish Shrimper and also featured a Winkle Brig.  We bought the magazine at the show, compared the boat specs. and decided there and then it was no contest.  The Winkle Brig, on most counts, won hands down, smaller, lighter, easier to tow, launch and recover, had more space below decks and looked so pretty.  And was half the price.  Out and out performance was of no importance to us, but being out in a fun boat with lots of bits of string to play with and comments from the general public and other boat owners about how lovely Markie looks, that is worth the few shortcomings.
Yes the performance to windward is not brilliant, but as long as you are not punching the tide, progress is ok.. Downwind performance is excellent, especially with the topsail rigged.  And on a broad reach we have logged a sustained 6 knots, a fantastic feeling. 
Earlier WBs had GRP rudders and bilge plates which can survive life afloat whereas the later plywood versions with iron shoes can/will suffer if left in water.  Also all the remaining woodwork takes a hammering if left exposed to the elements. 
We are fortunate in having the space to store Markie at home, if we did not  I would expect a local caravan storage facility would be willing to store her.
Go on Dave, go for it.
Sailing / Re: TRail Sail Easter Cruise 2015
April 30, 2015, 04:02:49 PM
Hi Paul,

Got your PM but think it would be useful for all to know.  The TSA has been in terminal decline over the last few years.  Gone are the days of an Easter cruise with 20 boats (up to 5 WBs) as the members are getting older, fewer younger members joining and Easter seems to be getting colder year on year.  With only 4 boats attending this year, the general opinion of those present was that a Broads cruise later in the year with hopefully warmer/better weather was probably the way to go for next year.  As far as the TSA is concerned, there is now no membership fee, no website, no newsletter but there is a google group with the occasional flurry of posts but effectively the TSA appears to be mothballed/hibernating/changing in to a small group of like minded sailors meeting up for the occasional informal cruise.  Where the TSA will be next year I do not know, a great shame as we have had some fabulous times over the past 28 years of owning Markie.
Sailing / TRail Sail Easter Cruise 2015
March 29, 2015, 05:16:08 PM
Hi Everyone,

The sailing season for Markie starts next weekend when we trail from Northumberland down to the Norfolk Broads to join up with the Trail Sail Association Easter Cruise and seeing the fleet assemble on Good Friday afternoon at West Somerton. We will then walk the short distance to The Lion for some excellent pub grub followed by the traditional TSA Easter Quiz.

If you can make it to West Somerton, with or without a boat, you will be most welcome to join us in the Lion, please just post to this topic how many people, if any, will be coming and if you will be eating in the Lion so I can give numbers to the landlord.

If anyone would like to come with a boat but needs information/advice on launch sites etc., add to this topic and I can add options.

Or if someone will be without a boat but would like to join us on Markie for a sail over the weekend, again just add to this post.

Dave, Cate & Darcey
Winkle Brig Markie
Trailers, towing & launching / Re: Winklebrig weight
November 25, 2014, 09:51:05 PM
Hi Andy,

Markie tipped the weighbridge at 1100kg.  And is probably a bit more now with the breakback and suspension mods to the trailer.  My original rollercoaster trailer came with 850kg suspension units and 155/12 tyres.  But after a blowout at 60mph I decided to upgrade to 1300kg units and 6 ply 175/13 tyres running at 45psi and what a difference it makes, it feels so safe at speed.  If you upgrade your existing trailer you will have to get a new chassis plate for the trailer showing the new weight limits etc., just in case you get pulled over for an inspection.
Miscellaneous / Re: West Coast 16
October 21, 2014, 11:32:34 PM
Yes the hull shape looks identical.  Does the West Coast 16 have a centre plate? I ask because looking at the hull of Markie (WB15) there is evidence that the hull moulds were taken off a hull with a blanked off centre plate opening. Look at the underside of the keel of a WB where you would expect a centre board to be.
Miscellaneous / Re: In the news.
October 12, 2014, 08:05:01 PM
It is a good job towing a WB is so easy, this year we also got an award for our journey from Northumberland to Tiverton in Devon when we attendee the IWA Trailboat Festival.  But that pails into insignificance compared with Martin's epic journeys around Europe.
The Hull / Re: Rudder bearings
July 15, 2014, 08:13:52 AM
Yes it is just a nut on the end of the bolt, except the nut has been 'glassed' over and once the nut starts turning you have to break/chisel off the grp covering over the nut to get a spanner on it.  It is very tight between the inner moulding and the transom, cut knuckles are the order of the day!
Miscellaneous / Re: Mystery item
May 14, 2014, 06:54:15 PM
Here (hopefully if all goes well) is a picture taken from the July 1992 issue of Yachting Monthly when WB57 was 'tested' alongside a Cornish Shrimper, Drascombe Coaster and a Norfolk Gypsy.
The text with the photo says 'This moulding and adjustable gallows on the Winkle Brig makes for very easy mast stowing'.
Miscellaneous / Re: How old.
May 10, 2014, 06:49:53 PM
WB 93 was built in 1994, according to the list Eric gave me.  The list also shows WB 92 was built in 1993, as was WB 94.  So possibly WB 93 was ordered in 1993 but production held back with completion in 1994, just a guess.
A lot of work for you Clint, spend some time looking through the forum topics as there is a lot that will make the 'restoration' easier.  Lots on various types of wood treatments, cleaning the bronze fittings and modifying the bulwarks and portholes so the bulwarks are 'quick release' spring to mind. 
The trailer looks unusual, not a Rollercoaster, is it a break-back?  Make sure you replace the winch strap, I had one of the orange ones and it snapped at the hook end, fortunately with Markie safely on the trailer, UV degradation.

Hi Clint,
Yes welcome to our world.  It can become addictive.  Markie is now 27 years old and still going strong and we have yet to find another boat that overall would suit us better.  Yes it would have been very nice to have a heater when we were on the Norfolk Broads over Easter but you can't have everything, especially in such an easily towed and launched boat.  5 weeks and we will be on the Grand Western Canal near Tiverton followed by some sea sailing out of Torquay.  So much variety possible with a smallish lightweight trailer sailer.
Hope you make the purchase, good luck
Dave Cawston
WB15 Markie